Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Okay so I have been working on losing weight for a few weeks now and am down 7lbs. I have also started to run and joined a ED softball team. I have muscles hurting that I have not felt in a while. It is ok though as the saying goes "no gain".

I have exactly one week to go til my last semester starts. I am trying to finish a book, a prayer shawl I am crocheting, and want to get in a few movies before my social life comes to a screaching halt, like it does every other semester. It would be fabulous if I accomplished this list. We will see I do have the weekend off so it is very possible.

My friend Deena is having a benefit for her daughter Maia, I have blogged about her before. Anyway she was born with spina bifida and her folks are trying to raise funds so that they can set the house up for her, like a lift from upstairs to downstairs. She is paralyzed from the waist down. Tickets are $20 and there are really cool raffle items, silent auction and live auction items. The money also includes a meal. So come out and support this beautiful little babe. Oh and it is at TNT's in East Peoria. Come one come all!

Now really can you resist helping this cutie?

I guess that is all for tonight, I am going to get started on one of those movies right now. Have a good one!
